Natural Agitation Defoamer I Healthy Farms

Natural Defoamer

All-natural foam reducer

Agitation Defoamer is a fast-acting liquid and natural defoamer used at pump-out for preventing and reducing foaming during liquid manure handling, increasing slurry tank capacity and overall pumping efficiency.

Call us today for natural defoamer pricing and treatment!

Where to Buy


Agitation Defoamer is an all-natural plant-based defoaming oil designed to be used as a safer alternative product other than diesel fuel. This product can be used in two different types of situations; foaming slurry and during pumping.

When using Agitation Defoamer for methane foaming slurry pour directly through the slated floor.

When using to reduce foaming during pumping and or manure handling Agitation Defoamer works to improve the tank capacity.


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Apply evenly across the entire pit, through the slatted floor or through the pump out port

1 gallon of Agitation Defoamer per 75,000 – 100,000 gallons of slurry


Keep product away from children. Use in agricultural manure applications only.


Store in original container in a safe, cool, dry place and out of direct sunlight. Store at temperatures over 32°F. Do not let freeze.